Saha Manasij's Project Portfolio Page
Project: AddressBook Level 3
ConnectUS is a CLI based contact management desktop application for your everyday needs. This application is specifically tailor made for NUS SOC students. ConnectUs allows you to maintain a record of each and every person you have met with the option to add further details making it easier for NUS students to socialize.
You can check my reposense here
Given below are my contributions to the project.
- New Feature: Added CCA tags with support for CCA Position.
- Purpose : enables users to add CCAs for their contacts with an option to add CCA positions as well
- Justification : Addition of this feature makes the application more tailor made towards NUS students.
- Highlights : Since it was a new field it needed changes in all fields from Logic to Storage to Model and Ui. Earlier I had implemented CCA and CCA position as 2 different classes however it was quite cumbersome and ineffective to link them. Finally I decided to handle CCA Positions in CCA itself differentiation the 2 fields with a #. I had to change the regex and storage to handle this unique tag.
- Credits : While in the beginning i had implemented it on the basis of the original tag field, I had to make changes when I chose to combine with CCA Position.
- Related Pull requests : #99 #141
- New Feature: Added Major tag
- Purpose : enables users to add Majors for their contacts so that people can view people from their own majors.
- Justification : Addition of this feature makes the application more tailor made towards NUS students.
- Highlights : It was easy to implement this feature as i had to refactor the earlier unused CCA Position tag. However a user could only have a maximum of 2 majors, hence I had to make changes in Parser and Storage to account for those changes. There were a few bugs regarding the implementation of this feature which fortunately weren’t reported in PED, I fixed them in V1.4 .
- Credits : Credits to me for implementing CCA Position : ) .
- Related Pull requests : #151
- Enhancements to existing features:
- Updated the add-t feature to support major and CCA tags
- Documentation:
- Community:
- PRs reviewed: Reviewed various PRs for team members :
- Reported bugs and suggestions for other teams during PE dry run: reported 9 bugs in total as issues
- Bug Fixes: