Project: AddressBook Level 3

ConnectUS is a CLI based contact management desktop application for your everyday needs. This application is specifically tailor made for NUS SOC students. ConnectUs allows you to maintain a record of each and every person you have met with the option to add further details making it easier for NUS students to socialize.

You can check my reposense here

  • Given below are my contributions to the project.

  • New Feature: Added CCA tags with support for CCA Position.
    • Purpose : enables users to add CCAs for their contacts with an option to add CCA positions as well
    • Justification : Addition of this feature makes the application more tailor made towards NUS students.
    • Highlights : Since it was a new field it needed changes in all fields from Logic to Storage to Model and Ui. Earlier I had implemented CCA and CCA position as 2 different classes however it was quite cumbersome and ineffective to link them. Finally I decided to handle CCA Positions in CCA itself differentiation the 2 fields with a #. I had to change the regex and storage to handle this unique tag.
    • Credits : While in the beginning i had implemented it on the basis of the original tag field, I had to make changes when I chose to combine with CCA Position.
    • Related Pull requests : #99 #141
  • New Feature: Added Major tag
    • Purpose : enables users to add Majors for their contacts so that people can view people from their own majors.
    • Justification : Addition of this feature makes the application more tailor made towards NUS students.
    • Highlights : It was easy to implement this feature as i had to refactor the earlier unused CCA Position tag. However a user could only have a maximum of 2 majors, hence I had to make changes in Parser and Storage to account for those changes. There were a few bugs regarding the implementation of this feature which fortunately weren’t reported in PED, I fixed them in V1.4 .
    • Credits : Credits to me for implementing CCA Position : ) .
    • Related Pull requests : #151
  • Enhancements to existing features:
    • Updated the add-t feature to support major and CCA tags
  • Documentation:
    • User Guide:
      • Added relevant stories to Userguide for CCA and CCA Position
      • Added documentation for CCA and Major tags : #153
      • Reviewed documentation of other members and gave suggestions
    • Developer Guide:
      • pointed out and made corrections for 2 UML diagram #244
  • Community:
    • PRs reviewed: Reviewed various PRs for team members :
    • Reported bugs and suggestions for other teams during PE dry run: reported 9 bugs in total as issues
  • Bug Fixes:
    • Reviewed the bugs with my teammates.
    • Fixed detected bugs : #218
    • Fixed undetected bugs : #243